Widening Participation

Undergraduate Summer Placements

Our MRC DTP offers research placements to undergraduate students each summer between June and July. These are designed to give students a first-hand opportunity to gain greater experience of research in the biosciences and an awareness of research careers, working alongside year 2-3 DTP PhD students (‘PhD supervisor’). Placements are for a period of 2 weeks and we encourage applications from groups currently under-represented in bioscience research.

Under-represented groups include: students with caring responsibilities, minority ethnic groups (BAME), first generation students, mature students, disabled students, students from areas of low higher education participation, low household income or low socioeconomic status.

Below are a few testemonials from undergraduate students and PhD supervisors

UG Student

I enjoyed the training from the first meeting to the end of the two weeks we had the presentation. The cancer conference meeting on Wednesday was engaging and exciting as we got to meet all those involved with cancer in Soton and interact with them through quizzes, bridging the barrier between students and members of staff.

UG Student

The programme was well thought through, and everyone was friendly and easy to connect and interact with. The two weeks were good enough to see what the PhD students get to when they are in the labs and become familiar with the lab settings.

PhD Supervisor

I thought that 2 weeks was a good amount of time. It was long enough to see a noticeable improved confidence in lab techniques in the undergraduate student, to convey what the day to day life of a PhD student is, and to get some results to share. It was short enough to not be an overburden for the PhD student, while gaining some useful experience in supervising.

PhD Supervisor

I’ve really enjoyed this experience and it has cemented the idea that I would like to stay in academia and teach students in the future. The additional careers development session was really helpful for the students. I think 2 weeks was a good amount of time for the students to be in the lab.

Part-time study

The MRC DTP accepts part-time study. Students are eligible to receive funding if they wish to carry out their MRes or PhD studies on a part time basis. You will need to discuss this with your supervisor. The overall amount of funding received will be the same as that of a full-time student but is paid on a pro-rata basis, e.g. for the PhD: 3 years full time rate paid at 50% over 6 years.